Методика преподавания английского языка
Контрольная работа
8 янв 2023
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Готовая контрольная и самостоятельная работа по английскому


для направления подготовки
44.03.01 «Педагогическое образование»,
профиль «Психология и социальная педагогика»,
квалификация – бакалавр, заочная форма обучения (ПСПзб)
1 курс, 1 семестр



1. Выучите специальные термины к тексту.
2. Выпишите из текста существительные во множественном числе, сгруппируйте их по правилам образования множественного числа, объясните правила чтения окончания множественного числа существительных.
3. Выпишите из текста прилагательные и наречия, сгруппируйте их по правилам образования степеней сравнения.
4. Выпишите предложения с оборотом there + to be, объясните способы перевода; одно предложение измените в вопросительную и отрицательную формы; измените сказуемое по временам групп Indefinite.
5. Выпишите все неправильные глаголы, выучите их основные формы.
6. Выпишите все правильные глаголы, объясните правила чтения суффикса -ed.
7. Выпишите одно предложение с глаголом to have, измените сказуемое по временам группы Indefinite, образуйте вопросительную и отрицательную формы.
8. Выпишите одно предложение с любым глаголом (кроме to be, to have), измените сказуемое по временам группы Indefinite, образуйте вопросительную и отрица-тельную формы.
9. Прочитайте текст, переведите самостоятельно без опоры на письменный перевод.


Primary Education in England

Children in Great Britain go to school at the age of 5. There are many parents who think five is too young to start school. But more people agree to send their children to school at five. In infant schools children get a chance to build up relationship with other children of the same age. They don’t have the chance in small isolated families.
Parents who are out at work will need somebody to look after children. Infant pupils can run and play in safety and their teachers keep an eye on them. There are play grounds, recreation halls where children are free to do physical exercises.
The first stage – Infant school – lasts till the age of 7. Children learn alphabet, spelling, do simple sums. Periods last twenty five or thirty minutes. Children play games during which they develop their speech habits, writing skills, counting. Bible study is of special importance. Pupils have Bible class every day. The aim of these classes is to instill categories of morality, respect to parents, adults, and love to nature. Pupils have nature study classes out-of-door: in the parks, gardens, in the fields.
The second stage – junior school is for children of 7 to 11. Children go to junior school and real work begins. Junior school has the same staff, the same size of classes. At this stage streaming begins within the age group. Teachers begin to set standards and follow children’s individual success. Children have set periods in arithmetic, reading and composition which are all 11+ subjects.
Classrooms look different in infant and junior schools. In infant school desks are seldom in rows. They are usually placed around the walls. In the centre of the classroom there is a platform for games.
Primary education in Great Britain is compulsory and free except some private grammar (independent) schools which are closed boarding schools and not mixed.

Special terms (to be learned):

- at the age of... – в возрасте ... - junior school – школа с 7 до 11
- alphabet – алфавит - school staff – персонал школы
- spelling – правописание - to follow children’s individual success –
- to do sums – решать задачи следить за индивидуальным
- a period – урок развитием детей
- to develop one’s speech habits – - arithmetic – арифметика
развивать навыки речи - reading – чтение
- writing skills – навыки письма - composition – сочинение
- counting – счет - 11+ subjects – экзамены для
- to instill categories of morality – поступления в среднюю школу
прививать нормы морали - primary education – начальное
- nature study – изучение естествознания образование
- to start school – поступать в школу - free education – бесплатное обучение
- an infant school – школа с 5 до 7 - private grammar (independent) school –
- to build up relationship with ... – строить частная грамматическая школа
взаимоотношения с ... - a boarding school – школа-интернат
- physical exercises – физкультура, - mixed school – смешанная школа


Some Features of Schooling in Great Britain

After the second grade of primary school (junior) children go on to the secondary school. This stage is also compulsory during five years. The basic organization of most schools is chronological. When children leave primary school they enter the first form of the secondary school and go up to the fifth form or sixth form. The sixth form is not a compulsory stage. Pupils go up from one class to another once a year. The exceptions to this are in the infant school where more able pupils may finish this stage earlier then other pupils and enter the sixth form. This stage programme consists of two years; some pupils do this programme earlier and take final exams.
In secondary schools there are all kinds of groupings. Pupils are grouped within one class according to their abilities for specific subjects. These divisions are called “sets”. There are divisions of modern languages set, biology and geography sets. If a boy wants to do woodwork he will choose a woodwork set. And if he wants to study German he will choose one more set – German language.
The most able pupils usually choose more than two sets. This process is called streaming. After two or three years in the secondary school pupils are grouped according to their abilities: the most able are in the A-stream, the poorest pupils are in the D-stream.
Some educationists and parents are against streaming at an early stage of schooling. At the same time children have the right to make a choice of subjects. In this way pupils demonstrate their academic activity and develop their individual abilities. In any case this is an old tradition of British schooling. At present schools in most European countries as well as our country is now following this system too.

Special terms (to be learned):

- a grade – ступень обучения - a poor pupil – слабый ученик
- primary school – начальная школа - educationist – педагог, работник
- junior school (class) – школа с 7 до 11 образования
лет - choice of subjects – выбор предметов
- compulsory stage (education) – - academic activity – учебная
обязательная ступень (образование) деятельность
- to leave school – заканчивать школу - to develop individual abilities –
- to enter a school – поступать в школу развивать индивидуальные
- secondary school – средняя школа способности
- go up (from class to class) – переходить - biology – биология
из класса в класс - geography – география
- final exams – итоговые экзамены - modern language – современные языки
- grouping – деление на группы - woodwork – работа по дереву
- specific subjects – отдельные предметы - a form – класс
- a set of – группа учащихся - to group – делить на группы
- streaming – деление на потоки
- according to one’s abilities – в
соответствии со способностями


Указания к работе с текстом:

1. Специальные термины выучить наизусть; уметь перевести в сочетаниях с русского на английский и наоборот.
2. Выполнить упражнения к тексту в приведенной последовательности.
3. Текст прочитать вслух, перевести.
4. Рассказать о новых формах среднего образования в России.

New Forms in Schooling (Russia)
There are many important changes in schooling in Russia. First of all, 11-year period of school education isn't compulsory now. Young people are allowed to leave school after the 9-th grade – an incomplete secondary education. Young people have greater choice of further education than before. They can either enter some vocational school where they are taught a profession and get complete secondary education. Or they are able to study in senior forms (10-11-th) of a gymnasium and a lyceum.
A gymnasium, alongside with the curriculum of a general secondary school, provide a higher level of secondary education.
The following subjects are usually included: history of religion, manners, dancing, sometimes a second foreign language and Latin rare included Programs of foreign languages, Russian literature, history, mathematics are broader in gymnasiums. Computer operating is a compulsory subject as well.
A lyceum, as a rule, organizes education with a bias to some particular subjects: arts, sciences or mathematics. Besides, there are specialized lyceums: economy and management, arts and crafts and with professional orientation.
To enter senior forms of a gymnasium or lyceum pupils have to take some exams or they are interviewed.
The number of gymnasiums is increasing every year. Nowadays there are gymnasiums and lyceums which take children at six-seven, so to say, at the stage of primary education.
Everybody agrees that these new forms of schooling rise standard of secondary education to a higher level.

Special terms (to be learned):

- schooling = school education - arts
- a subject - a lycée ['li:seɪ]
- compulsory education - sciences
- history of religion - a lyceum [laɪ'si:əm]
- a grade - economy and management
- manners - curriculum
- (in)complete secondary education - arts and crafts
- computer operating - general secondary school
- to leave school - to enter (a lyceum)
- a compulsory subject - to provide education
- further education - to take exams
- with a bias ['baɪəs] to - level of education
- senior forms - to be interviewed
- a particular subject - primary education
- a gymnasium
Задания к тексту:

1. Расположите слова в соответствии с суффиксами -tion, -(s)sion, -al, -ed, -ing; определите часть речи, переведите:
education, vocational, profession, following, specialized, professional, orientation, increasing, general

2. Определите степень сравнения прилагательных, способ образования, переведите словосочетания:
greater choice, further education, a higher level, programs are broader

3. Найдите в тексте предложения с оборотом there+to be, измените их во всех временах группы Indefinite по образцу:
1. There are many types of schools in Russia now (Present Indefinite).
2. There were many types of schools in Russia before revolution (Past Indefinite).
3. There will be many new types of schools in Russia in the nearest future (Future Indefinite).

4. Сказуемые в Passive Voice измените по временам группы Indefinite по образцу:

a) They are taught a profession (Present Indefinite).
b) They were taught a profession (Past Indefinite).
c) They will be taught a profession (Future Indefinite).

Переведите исходные предложения:

1. The following subjects are usually included.
2. Second foreign language and Latin are included.
3. Pupils are usually interviewed.

5. Повторите модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты. Прочтите, переведите:
1) may – to be allowed to
Young people are allowed to leave schools after the 9th grade.

2) can – to be able to
They can enter some vocational school or they are able to study in senior forms.

3) must – have to
To enter a gymnasium or a lyceum pupils have to take some exams.

Vladimir.Burdak Vladimir.Burdak
800 р